Tuesday, November 20, 2007
What would you want in a Wii “Elite” model?
Seeing that Microsoft has launched their 360 “Elite” system, it got me wondering what folks would want from a Nintendo Wii “Elite” system. I would assume most folks would want better graphics, more storage, and better high definition support, but what else can you guys come up with? Here’s a few features I came up with off the top of my head just for fun, feel free to comment and add you own:
* Support for playing Nintendo DS games - Ok this one is a long shot as it would have a few technical limitations in place as far how the dual screens and touch screen action would be handled. There is also no Mic on the Wii (yet!) so this one would take a bit of work.
* Ports or an official converter allowing for NES, SNES, N64, and other official VC system controllers - This one could be handled by simple converters, some of which are already being made by 3rd party companies. How cool would it be being able to play the Virtual Console games with the original controllers legitimately supported by Nintendo?
* Wireless Nunchuk and Classic Controller - I’m not sure if this would require a whole console conversion hardware wise or if a software update could allow the Wireless Nunchuks to talk to the system, but it would be great to not have to deal with the cable between the Wii Remote and the ‘Chuk. While they are at it, make the Classic Controller wireless as well.
* Wireless Sensor Bar - This is another option that is available through third parties, but could possibly be improved up if designed by Nintendo themselves. Improvements could include a way to recharge the bar using the next item on the list.
* Recharge Station - A recharge station could be used to recharge your Wii Remotes, Nunchuks, Classic Controllers, and the Sensor bar. How it would all fit together and work properly, I would leave up to the guys in the lab, I’m just the idea guy! It would be great to have it built into the base of the system somehow and not have to bother with recharging batteries.
* More Internal Storage - Downloading those N64 games can really suck the current storage dry and having more could never hurt. By way of an internal hard drive would be optimal, but I wouldn’t want to see the price of the system sky rocket nor would it be a good thing to split the user base by having games come out that then depend on it. I am sure it could be worked out in some fashion and one day we may see a USB capable hard drive peripheral so let’s just make it internal for this “Elite” system.
* More High Definition Options - HDMI support, 1080i support, the whole rigmarole. For the sake of argument, we could say that there’s not enough people to warrant the “Base” model having these add ons, but it would be a nice addition for the “Elite” model.
* DVD Support - This is actually something that has been talked about coming to the Japanese markets and while most folks probably already own another DVD player of some sort, it would be nice to have the player thrown in.
* Include that Kickass Lightgun Accessory.. Maybe Even a Robot - Much like the original NES packages back in the day, bring back that idea offering the “Base” Wii system that is currently in production, but also this version which would include the Wii, a Wii Remote and Nunchuk, toss in a Classic Controller, the Lightgun accessory as seen at E3, and heck, why not a R.O.B. II.
Alright, that’s all I got. I have no idea how much this would cost but if I had to guess, I’d say around $500-$600. Would it appeal to many folks, I’m not even sure. The point of this is to just brainstorm what Nintendo could do with an “Elite” model of their system and what it would bring to the current model. Some of this stuff some folks would use more than others and some of the ideas perhaps only I would use. What do you think would be a good addition to the current model Wii?
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Mario Strikers Charged Football
For me, Mario Smash Football on the Gamecube was always very hit and miss. It had some aspects of fun, but there was a real lack of depth and challenge compared to the more realistic soccer games like FIFA and Pro Evolution Soccer. When I first saw the screens for Mario Strikers Charged Football on Wii, I can hardly say I was impressed. It looked very similar, if not exactly the same as its predecessor and I immediately shrugged it off as a lacklustre attempt of milking that unused cash-cow, the gamecube. However what Nintendo has delivered is not a shoddy port of the gamecube game or even a sloppy expansion of it, but instead one of the most fun and engrossing titles currently available for the Wii.
Like previous exciting Wii games, Warioware and Wii Sports most of Mario Smash's fun comes from its simplicity but please dont let that fool you. Mario Strikers is most definitely not as shallow as those two.
The game is based as a sort of Mushroom Kingdom world cup with all of the main characters of the Mario world playing soccer matches against one another with assorted b-characters making up the rest of the squad. The player is free to choose what Mario star they want as captain from Donkey Kong to Daisy and Mario to Bowser they are all here and all have distinct strengths and weaknesses. You then get to chose the rest of your team picking a mixture of characters including Boos, Hammer Bros. and even Dry Bones.
With Smash Football, Nintendo seem to have found the perfect design for a really fun soccer game and with Wii they have found the perfect platform. The use of the Wii remote and Nunchuk is brilliant, with the Nunchuks analogue stick controlling player movement and the remotes b-trigger controlling shots. The A button passes and a tackle is a simple waggle of the remote. Although the 'waggle' feature has been overused by some developers its use in Strikers seems valid and doesnt seem tacked on. The controls are simple but there are many unique features to set the gameplay apart. The Smash shots require you to hold the b-trigger until your lead character gains an indicator above their head which you then control via quick taps of the b-trigger, this chooses how many shots you have and how accurate they are. With this attack you can score upto 6 goals in one attempt! However its not as easy as it sounds because as soon as you shoot control turns to the opposition who, if its a player-controller team will have a chance of saving these shots by pointing at the sensor bar and pressing a everytime a ball appears. These seemingly match changing moments can dissapear in an instant and play resumes straight away.
Mario Strikers
There are also various items and power-ups that players can grab and use to their advantage such as mushrooms, shells, hammers and all other Mario related objects. Its not just the opposition players who are against you many of the stadiums have enviromental factors that can electrocute you, crush you or simply blow your character right out of the park.
The game features a training mode, an exhibition match option, 20+ challenge matches (where you are faced with a deficit and have to battle your way through it), 4 different trophies to obtain by playing through leagues and an online multiplayer mode. This is one of the features that really sets Mario Strikers Charged Football, as it is the first Nintendo Wi-Fi connection game to be released in Europe. And there is simply only one way of describing the online matches; fun. But really, really fun. Like so fun its better than being in Disneyland. On your birthday.
4 people can compete in online 2 vs. 2 matches that are short, sharp and very entertaining. Although the friend code situation is very annoying if you are used to the faster than light, X-Box Live service. The randomly generated matches are a great way of having online fun with anyone. One of the major downfalls of the online service however is that the games are completely region locked meaning if you live in europe you can only play with people in europe and if you live in Japan then only Japan etc.
Another unfortunate downside is the very rapid change is difficulty. Although the game starts relatively easy, with scores rising into double figures very often, the game suddenly shoots off into an almost impossible direction and you will be pulling out your hair trying to complete the latter challenges.
Overall Mario Strikers Charged Football has been a great success. Firstly showing that Nintendo can provide quality online gaming and secondly showing that, if developers are to take notice, Wii controls can be implemented to many genres with just a bit of thought and care. Anyway im getting back online to find Ian Wright...
Gameplay; Simply Superb, a great showcase for Wii's ability to be fun as well as lengthy. It really does play well. 90
Graphics; Crisp in all the right places with the perfect amount of Mario style but the stadiums and crowds can seem a little bit jaggy. 74
Innovation; Absolutely brilliant, another genre the Wii has drastically changed with its innovative control scheme. The game itself shows a lot of innovation too, in being a soccer game that can have all the inspiration and fun of a platform game. 87
Sound; Perfectly added crowd chants mixed with comedy item sound effects. The only annoying thing is the Smash Shot theme tune, that gets very repetitive. 88
Wario Ware Smooth Moves Review
Wario Ware is a series well known for its insane mini games that are thrown at the player quickly one after the other. This doesn’t differ in the Wii iteration of the game and is if anything exemplified by the use of the Wii control. Much like the Gamecube version of Wario Ware, Smooth Moves puts the focus on multiplayer, which is perfect for a system like the Wii.
When you first start the game you’ll see that there’s a multiplayer and single player option. However, the multiplayer is locked until someone clears the single player mode. It’s not necessarily a bad thing though as the single player is a bit like an extended tutorial that you’ll finish up pretty quickly. Going through the one player mode is hardly a chore though, and it’ll have you smiling all the way to the end.
What you first notice about Smooth Moves is the first-rate presentation. Each level preludes and ends with a small movie revolving around whatever character’s level it is. These movies are great, colourful and sharp, very much like a Saturday cartoon. The stories are extremely well executed with great animation and humour. Keeping to the humour of the game, each time a new way to use the Wii remote pops up, it is introduced by a rather depressed sounding man talking a load of nonsense. It’s incredibly simple yet genuinely funny at the same time. They do slow the pace of the game down a bit, but it’ll only happen the first time you come across a new form (a way to hold the Wii remote). You’ll even unlock a movie theatre to watch most of these movies in. I say most because unfortunately for some reason you can only watch introductions to characters and the resolution of each story. The sound is also up to par with a good quality sound track and satisfying uses of the Wii remote’s speaker.
The levels themselves consist of micro games that last about 5 seconds each. Each game has a great art style, ranging from hand drawn stuff to real life pictures. The eclectic mix of different art directions really helps the game not to get boring and grab the player’s attention. These games get the player to hold the Wii remote a variety of different ways, or forms as the game calls them. Each game is unique and entertaining, not only for you but also for those watching you. With over 200 micro games, you’ll be doing everything from jumping over a skipping rope to pulling out the master sword. You also wont see every game on your first time through, so if you want to get the most out of the game, you’ll go back to see everything. They’re all fun to do and some will even make you laugh out loud from the zaniness. The boss battles are also pretty well thought-out, superb sequences. You’ll be driving cars, having sword fights and even dancing, just to name a few. You’ll want to replay some
of these - because they’re just that good.
There are a few problems with some of the micro games though. At some point you’ll encounter at least two were you won’t know what you’re supposed to do, no matter how hard you try. To help solve this there’s a ‘dojo’ where you can practice all the games you’ve encountered and eventually work them out. A small number of games don’t seem as responsive as well, but this isn’t really a problem for the most part, and they still work to some degree anyway. It can be a bit frustrating though, when you only have one life left and you just happen to get that micro game you can’t get to work quick enough. Overall though the games are solid and fun, with only probably 5% not being the best they could be.
As you go through the story mode, which will take around 2 hours, you’ll unlock some mini games similar to what you do in the main game. One game Tower Tennis sees you bouncing a tennis ball up a tower, breaking through blocks and avoiding obstacles on the way. None of these games are particularly good though and you’ll want to just play the normal game instead.
When you do finish the story mode, the multiplayer is unlocked. Multiplayer is where this game shines. It’ a laugh making your mates look like idiots trying desperately to pass their micro game. Like the story mode, there’s more than just the standard game to play. You won’t play all of them that much, but they are nice additions to the game. There are three modes that are unique from each other in the game. These are Darts, Star Nose and Bungee Buddies. Darts is simply a game of darts. You use the remote to throw the darts, like in real life. It works well and is pretty fun. Star Nose is a game that requires the nunchuck to be attached. One player holds the nunchuck and the other, the Wii remote. The game pits players against each other in a race to eat fruit… in… noses. You’ll have to avoid crashing as well otherwise you lose. It’s pretty simple and entertaining for the first couple of times you do it, but ends up a bit boring. Bungee Buddies also sees two players sharing the nunchuck and the Wii remote. On screen you’re represented together as two small people tethered together by the Wii remote. You’ll have to jump over holes and see how far you can get together. This game is fun and actually a bit challenging.
The other three multiplayer modes are all different takes on the main game. All of them use Mii functionality well. Survival is where everyone takes turns to do a micro-game and if you fail, you’re out. This is a great pick for parties as it supports up to 12 players. Lifeline has players taking turns to again, but this time there’s a set number of levels and you accumulate points till the levels are over. When it does finish depending on how well you’ve done, you’ll have a number of ropes holding you up above water. Each player takes turns to cut a rope, however nobody knows what rope leads to what person. Bomb, again has the players taking turns. Like in Survival mode if you mess up your turn, it’s game over. However players get to choose what from their opponent has to do and once a form’s already been chosen, it gets increasingly difficult. This adds strategy to the game, but you have to choose quickly otherwise the bomb will go and you’ll lose. These three modes are pretty much the same thing but with different variables to suite every player’s needs. For example, if you have a lot of friends over, you’ll want to choose Survival. Whereas if you have fewer friends round you might want to choose Bomb instead. All these modes are seriously fun to play with your mates and make the game shine.
Wario Ware is a great game that reminds you why you bought the Wii, which is pretty important during the slow winter of gaming. It uses the Wii remote in a terrific number of excellent ways, offering a glimpse of what’s to come in the future of Wii gaming. Not only that, but it’s incredibly fun to play, especially with friends. However, if you’re looking for a game that’ll last you a while, your mileage may vary. For a lot of people if you don’t have a lot of friends, you’ll finish this game and probably not pick it up again for a long time. That being said beating high scores and unlocking aver last micro game will lengthen the longevity of the game quite a bit. If you do think this game will bore you after a while, it’s at least worth a rental, just to experience what the Wii is about – new ways to have fun.
Gameplay: 9 – Great use of the Wii remote, couple with fun and engaging games
Graphics: 8 – This game isn’t trying to push polys but it defiantly looks great in a number of ways
Sound: 8 – Great sound throughout with an exceptional soundtrack to boot
Content: 7 – The game attempts to lengthen itself quite a bit and succeeds for the most part
Replay Value: 6 – A ton of multiplayer fun to be had, but if you’re by yourself there’s not a great reason to come back to it
Final Score: 8
Thursday, May 3, 2007
From Courtney Marchelletta
Publisher: 2K
Developer: Firaxis
ESRB Rating: E for Everyone, Alcohol Reference
Genre: Strategy
Release Date: October 2006
* Addictive
* Multiple scenarios & options
* Online play
* Depth of gameplay
* Few graphical bugs
"Sid Meier's Railroads!" Features
* Connect cities and industries by laying track and setting up train routes to pick up products.
* Buy stock in your company and the competition, with the hopes of eventually buying them out.
* Play single player mode against up to 4 computer players, or play online against other gamers.
* Buy city industries and increase your profits.
* Scenarios in single player mode maps and cities can be randomized, multiple routing difficulty levels, and pick up to 4 AI players compete against.
* Historically accurate trains, available as they were released.
* Buy patents on technology that will give you the upper hand.
* Personalize trains with a custom logo and colors.
Connecting cities together by railway may not sound like the best way to spend a night of gaming. Maybe it wouldn't have been in the past. "Sid Meier's Railroads" is a breath of fresh that proves some concepts do get better with time.
Getting goods to where they will make you the most money by train, and putting the competition out of business are the ultimate goals of "Sid Meier's Railroads!" Your railroad empire is built by laying track so trains can run efficiently, while having enough track to keep trafficked areas from becoming congested. This is primarily done by adding a second (or third) track next to the first track laid down.
Where you decide to build tracks and stations depends on the goods you want to transport. Some goods can be transported directly from city to city, like people and mail. Other products are made from gold or coal that need to be transported from mines to cities that turn the raw materials into a good that is in demand. In turn, the good created (food for example) will need to be transported to another city (not all cities demand or want all the same goods). This long line of transfer of resources can become complicated and difficult (and expensive) to route. Too add more chaos, you chose how many and which cargo cars each train brings with them from city to city.
While this assembly line of movement, can become overwhelming if you try to do too much. The key is to find the good that will make you the most money. The markets for goods is always changing. The price of products is not going to stay the same. Get in when it's low and get out before you start losing money. And yes, there are plenty of resources to keep the game interesting. I frequently changed what I was transporting based on the growth and demand of the cities.
Speaking of getting in low... Stocks play a role in how successful you will be. You can buy (or sell) stock in your own company or the competition. To get rid of the competition you'll have to buy them out. Sometimes buying stock in the competition is part of a scenario's objects.
Scenarios offer a long list of goals to be meet by specific years. The objectives range from buying stock to helping a city grow to a new level. Often times with scenarios, they can become dull and repetitive. This is not the case with "Railroads." Randomization of city locations and maps, along with the fact that there is no way one to win keeps the game interest and adds to the replay value.
Scenarios and online play will add to the replay value, along with the four routing difficulty level settings. For a beginner, the routing can be set to an easy level that will allow a train to cross each other on one track. Harder levels require you have the track needed for the trains to travel.
"Sid Meier's Railroads!" has the depth, addictive gameplay, replay value, and range of options to make it a must-have for gamers, especially those who love management sims (like "SimCity"). It is a game that has the power to stick around and will continue to be played even months after it is released.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
By Ty Maier
There are five sports simulations in Wii Sports. They are:
* Tennis - Player character movement is controlled by the computer. The game is controlled by the player performing realistic tennis swings. Multiplayer is supported for up to 4 players, requiring one remote per player.
* Baseball - One player stands at home plate, and the other is the pitcher. Batters grip and swing the controller like a bat, trying to time their swings correctly. When pitching, players can choose different types of pitches, activated by pressing one or more of the Wii Remote's buttons (A, B, or A+B) or by changing to underarm pitching by pressing the 2 button. The pitch types are screwball, curveball, splitter and fastball. If there is only one player, the opposing team is computer controlled. The game lasts 3 innings with the mercy rule ending the game early if one player leads by 5 runs. Multiplayer is supported with each team taking turns batting/ pitching in the same way as playing against the computer. The maximum possible amount of players are two. Two remotes are required for multiplayer.
* Golf - In Golf, the player can choose the appropriate strength with which to swing. The player can adjust the direction of the play as well as which club to use. After each swing, the player moves to the ball's new location and swings again. The faster the player swings the controller, the further the ball will fly. Swinging the controller too fast will cause the ball to slice or hook, and the player controls the direction with the + pad. Putting requires more delicacy. Nine of the eighteen holes from Golf are included. Multiplayer with up to four people is supported with one (or more) Wii Remote(s).
* Boxing - This is the only Wii Sports title to use both the Wii Remote and the Nunchuk attachment. The player holds the Wii Remote in one hand and the Nunchuk in the other and jabs to punch (quick flicks of the wrist are most effective). Raising both controllers blocks punches from the opponent, and moving the Wii Remote and Nunchuk moves the players fists. Moving the controllers from side to side and backward and forward causes the character to lean appropriately. A health meter is displayed next to the boxers. With each successful hit, health is deducted. When all health is depleted the player is knocked down. The player may then rise, with a partially refilled health meter. After being knocked down several times, the player will stay down, and the referee will declare "knockout". If the player is not hit for some time, or when the player is knocked out by shaking both the remote and the Nunchuk, the health restores. More powerful punches come from counterpunching. Multiplayer with up to two people is supported (but requires two Wii Remotes with Nunchuk attachments).
* Bowling - In Bowling, the player swings the controller backward and then forward to bowl the ball. Spin can be put on the ball by tilting the controller. Many Easter eggs exist in this game, including the ball bouncing if the player delays his/her release[2], making the ball fall back towards the crowd, and bowling off onto another lane[3]. Multiplayer with up to four people is supported with one (or more) Wii Remote(s).
After every game, a player is awarded (or penalized) skill points based on how well they played. Once a player has 1000 skill points in a certain sport, they are considered pro level, and often awarded with cosmetic features (a Pro bowler has stars on their bowling ball). Also a Mii newly turned pro will receive a message on the Wii's message board notifying them. Baseball and Boxing do not reward or subtract points during multiplayer games. Points can be earned in multiplayer tennis matches, on the condition that the two players are on the same team against the computer. Presumably this is done to curb cheating where a human player could deliberately lose to another human and artificially boost the winner's skill points.
The Author Ty Maier is the owner of the well established http://www.wii-planet.us/ Great info on Wii Sports.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ty_Maier
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
From Roger Altizer
It was a grand year for PlayStation fans. We saw some of the greatest PS2 games to date, and a little thing called the PS3.
Here we have the creme de la creme of PS2 games. Each game represents the best of its genre, and then they are ranked against each other.
The toughest part about this year's list? Picking the best PS2 game of the year. It was tight between the top three, but in the end, I think I made the right call.
Whether or not you agree with my ranking, all ten of these PS2 games are must have titles, and you could do worse than playing any of them.
1) Okami - Game of the Year
Okami is not only my pick for game of the year, but I'm going to have to re-rank my top 10 PS2 games of all time list, as this game deserves a top spot in any one's collection. It is one of the most original, beautiful games ever created on any system. The unique art style, the calligraphy, the characters... this videogame made me want to move back to Japan. Okami is simply stunning, both to watch and play. Rated: Teen
2) Guitar Hero II - Music Game of the Year
It was a tough call. I'm going to have some very upset friends over my not picking Guitar Hero II as my game of the year. To be fair, if I chose a multiplayer or party game of the year, this would be it. Guitar Hero was superb, and Guitar Hero II is better. Now you can play lead, rhythm, and bass, as well as unlock a slew of new items. And you can play the Trogdor song, for real. Rock on! Rated: Everyone
3) Final Fantasy XII - Role Playing Game of the Year
Final Fantasy XII is a the epitome of excellence. From the totally overhauled combat system (no more turn-based random encounters) to the jaw dropping visuals and intriguing story, Final Fantasy XII shines in every area. The game is long, as a FF game should be, and it can be tough, but this is the standard that all RPG games should be held up against. There were some Final Fantasy XII haters out there. But I think time will silence their criticism, as this will be remembered as one of the great PS2 games. Rated: Teen
4) Bully - Sandbox Game of the Year
Bully was nowhere near as offensive as the Jack Thompson and other game haters of the world would have you believe. But it was more entertaining than any of us expected. This Grand Theft Auto meets Private School was more tongue in cheek than Glock in hand. While it was irreverent, it was goon natured about it, and provided one of the most fun gameplay experiences of the year. Rated: Teen
5) Black - Shooter of the Year
Black is what Killzone was supposed to be, the great PS2 shooter. While not an exclusive, Black did prove that you can do high end, fast, 3D animation on the PS2. This shooter looked amazing. It was a touch short, and relied heavily on the single player experience. Yet Black seemed to come from nowhere and provide an amazing action packed gun-fest. Rated: Mature
6) Tourist Trophy - Racing Game of the Year
It's Gran Turismo on two wheels. Polyphony did an amazing job at providing the ultimate motorcycle simulation. From correct physics to realistic sounds, this is as close as you or I will ever get to a professional motorbike racing experience. Rated: Everyone
7) Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 - Fighting Game of the Year
Yeah, I hear you. A Dragon Ball Z Game? I know there have been a million mediocre ones out there, but this one is different, I promise. Not only is this the best looking DBZ game, with well over 100 playable characters to boot!, it actually plays well. From toppling buildings, to fighting in true 3D. Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 raises the games to the level of the anime: wacky and fun. Rated: Teen
8) Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams - Action Game of the Year
Capcom took their popular Samurai action adventure game in a new direction with a more stylistic, and possibly gory, version of medieval Japan. The game takes place 15 years after Onimusha 3, and provides us with new villains and heroes. If you didn't play the other three, this is the perfect place to jump into the Onimusha world, if you dare. Rated: Mature
9) Sega Genesis Collection - Retro Videogame Compilation of the Year
This is the first time I've ever put a collection of retro games on a top ten list, but there has never been a collection like this before. Yes, the production values are high, with killer menus, museum artifacts, unlock-ables (games!), and interviews, but what makes this one so special? The games are really, really, good. Finally some 2D Sonic the Hedgehog action, a little Altered Beast, some Gain Ground (my favorite Genesis game, ever), and 25 other amazing titles. The Sega Genesis Collection was a bit like getting every Christmas present I ever wanted as a kid, on one DVD. Rated: Teen (but appropriate for Everyone)
10) NFL Head Coach - Sports Game of the Year
Being a geek, I enjoy coaching in Madden even more than playing the game. I love calling the plays, and watching them go. So NFL Head Coach was a dream come true for me. It is the deepest football game ever created, and the perfect title for stats junkies and fantasy football addicts. It's not about skill, this time it's about strategy. This was a surprisingly deep game that I pray makes a return next year. Rated: Everyone
From Michael Klappenbach
After nearly six years in the making, the first person thriller S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl has finally been released. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is a first person shooter/role playing survival game that places you in the horrific aftermath of the nuclear disaster. At it's core S.T.A.L.K.E.R. should appeal to many FPS fans and while it does have some minor game play and storyline flaws, it does a very nice job of creating an immersive and open ended game world.
* Unique setting and immersive game world
* Open ended game play
* Large variety of options, gadgets, and weapons.
* Bugs, bugs, bugs.
* Storyline doesn't hold together very well.
* Even at novice level, Combat and AI can often be too challenging.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl is set in the aftermath of the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl in the Ukraine. After a fictional second explosion at Chernobyl, the land surrounding the nuclear plant has become a wasteland know as the Zone, where mutant creatures and humans roam and the laws of nature no longer apply. Taking on the role of a Stalker, you travel into the Zone in search of artifacts for trade and sale with the black market dealers and scientists who live on the fringe of the Zone.
The storyline for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is quite open ended and the game world is truly immersive. Hours can be spent going through seemingly countless side quests and missions you sometimes forget that there is actually a main objective that you'll need to accomplish in order to eventually move the story along. In the case of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. getting to the end of the game doesn't necessarily mean you've succeeded or won. In fact it could mean just the opposite, actions taken throughout the game are not independent of each other and they can have consequences that can ultimately lead to failure in the end.
In total the single player campaign, on average, should provide about 15-20 hours of game play but the length can vary widely and depend greatly on the number of side quests and actions players decided upon.
Features & Game play
From the start you can tell that S.T.A.L.K.E.R. doesn't play as many typical first person games. The game play is often mixed with action, investigation/strategy and some role playing game elements. It's this even blend of game play elements that help make S.T.A.L.K.E.R. stand out as a memorable game. The vastness of the maps and environments coupled with the multiple game paths make the replability of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. very high.
The main tools at your disposal in your career as a Stalker are the inventory system and your PDA. It's good to start learning the controls and getting use to going back and forth between the two in preparation for later in the game when the speed at which you can navigate them really matters.
The inventory system is similar to those found in games such as Neverwinter Nights and Titan Quest, you're limited in what you can carry both in terms of weight and volume. Visiting the inventory screen to swap out items is a necessity and done on a regular basis. The PDA connects you to the game world around you. It contains a navigation map that helps point you in the right direction, objective and side quest details, other Stalker profiles, and much more.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. however is far from perfect. This list of reported bugs is very long, GSC Game World has released a patch that fixes many of the major issues but most likely more will need to be released before it's a more stable game. Some of the major bugs included numerous game crashes, corrupt save/load functionality and in game buttons that function incorrectly.
Graphics & Sound
While the graphics for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. may not be on par with some other games on the market in regards to pixel shading but they are still very realistic and do a wonderful job of setting the mood and atmosphere of a post nuclear disaster area. In particular, the character models are nicely done with very detailed features and fluid life-like movements. The sound and sound effects are also very nicely done and adds that extra element to the overall feel of the game.
Bottom Line
The many bugs found in the retail release of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. are concerning but many of them can not be fixed by installing the latest patch. Overall, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl takes you on wild journey with many twists and turns, which may or may not lead to success, but in the end it delivers an immersive gaming experience that is well worth replaying to discover the alternate endings and side quests.
Monday, April 30, 2007
By James Kay
You would think that if you spend enough time around computers and the internet that you would eventually become conversant at least with most of the ins and outs of it. As this is not always the case not everyone will know what a Warcraft no CD crack, is.
For that purpose, a small explanation is first given on what a Warcraft no CD crack is and what it does, but perhaps we should begin at the beginning. A crack, is a piece of software program which will remove any CD-check needs which will come with most legitimate software CD's.
Although this might be a good way for companies to protect their software from being pirated, it can be a bit of hassle for users who need to be continually placing a CD in their CD-ROM drive to access this software.
In the case of Warcraft, it is the need to carry around with you, and always use the game CD which runs your game. For some people this can become very tiring, very fast. And this brings us to the whole point of this discussion, the Warcraft no CD crack. Many a Warcraft user who has bought their game CD find that they still need to carry their game CD's around with them if they want to play from a mobile base.
With a Warcraft no CD crack, however, these players would be able to leave the game CD behind and not have to worry about having left it behind and being unable to play! This holds true for most Warcraft games, and if you look hard enough you will be able to find a Warcraft no CD crack to suit your needs.
This doesn't however mean that it holds water with the creators of Warcraft, Blizzard. On the contrary just as they disapprove of Warcraft targeted bots and Warcraft cheats, so too do they disapprove of the Warcraft no CD crack. Unfortunately they can't do much about this except to keep upgrading their software and finding new and better ways to do their thing.
Until then people who are faced with the hassle of carrying their CD's around with them wherever they go for playing purposes, will always try and find ways to circumvent this, hence the Warcraft no CD crack.
Naturally enough there is a good solution, albeit one that will be some time in coming. To make it so that users don't need to obtain a Warcraft no CD crack, all Blizzard has to do is to find a way to protect their game software without resorting to having a CD check every time the game starts. As simple as that (and if that were the case, then Blizzard would have already thought about it)!
James writes about strategy, tips and guides to transform any beginner World of Warcraft gamer into an Elite World of Warcraft Warrior.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Kay
By Gregory Hepburn
Over the years, the development of accessories has taken gaming to new levels of sophistication.
Nintendo Wii is no exception and brings to the gaming industry a product that will be popular with all members of the family, is reasonably priced, and is technologically sound. With the Wii, Nintendo has created an interactive experience. You will be left wondering how Nintendo did it. With the release of the Wii, Nintendo will be able to maintain it's market presence and at the same time give its customers great value for money.
The Nintendo Wii has a set of accessories designed to provide more capabilities when playing games. Some of these accessories are as follows:
The Wii remote is a single-handed remote control device and is responsive to pointing, movements, as well as being user friendly. It has wireless functions and works using a short-range Bluetooth radio. You can use a maximum of four controllers at a distance of up to five meters from the Wii sensor. It is multi-functional and allows nimble use, can be used horizontally, as well as like a steering wheel. According to experts, the design will enable experienced players to hold a remote in each hand, or a Nunchuk in one and a remote in the other. Technically advanced, it can sense movement and orientation. The remote can identify linear motion along three axes. The optical sensor can determine the direction. According to CNET the pointer can get jerky or twitchy. And, the tilt control requires a light touch. The remote controls are not changeable and players have to stay with Wii's calibrations.
The Nunchuk is a device that can be plugged into the Wii remote. It has an analog stick and two buttons and can be used in games such as Red Steel and Twilight Princess. The Nunchuk also has motion sensors and allows gamers to perform specific character actions, like a spinning slash attack. According to popular opinion, the Nunchuk will become a very popular accessory.
The Nintendo Classic Controller is the classic-style expansion controller which can be used with the Wii remote slotted in to play games by using a traditional game pad. It is to be used to play existing games, virtual console games, and multiplatform games. It connects to the Wii remote through a cord.
Targeted at the gaming market, the Nintendo Wii may not be popular if buyers are looking for graphics and special effects. The main features of the Wii are it's motion-sensing, remote , pseudo-reality controls, and internet capabilities. The whole family can enjoy playing with a Wii. You may need to buy a second controller for your family once you all have spent hours playing golf, bowling, and even boxing. You may not need to buy any other games than the ones which come packaged with the system. Some people only play the sports games that came with the Wii package. Playing Wii games may require you to bend your knees and step into the flow of things.
Gregory Hepburn is a successful Internet marketer and entrepreneur who specializes in content websites. His new website on Nintentendo Wii has been published. Please see http://www.buy-nintendo-wii.org for more information.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gregory_Hepburn
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Yes, even gamers have the same needs as every other person: a social life, fun stuff and regular day to day stuff like attending school or working at a day to day job. Normally someone plays a game just to get a break of the daily routine, just to relax. One might watch tv in the evening, watch their favourite series on their computer, yet others take the risk of giving WoW a try. That's where it all starts... You start playing because you're just plain bored, but a few days later you'll find yourself being totally sucked into the game, not allowing yourself to do anything other in your spare time.
New players often underestimate the exact type of game which WoW is, and even more important: the time it actually takes to accomplish something in the digital world. They go online to finish just a quest or two, but end up playing way longer than intended. Blizzard obviously did a great job when it comes to creating both a balanced and addictive game play. You're kept busy with constant chains of quests, storyline after storyline, and before you able to realize it, you're several hours further.
Most games prevent you from actually getting addicted to them, due to the fact that there's a certain end of the game. WoW allows you to keep on evolving further and further though, even past the so called end of the game. Building up and maintaining your professions will certainly cost you a lot of time, and other players and guilds will also keep you busy with 'raids'. A raid usually costs several hours to complete normally, but the urge to keep pushing and improving your character and gear is enormous.
You'll soon be confronted with problems when you stop improving your gear endgame, as other players won't stand still, making you weaker in player versus player (PVP) battles, as WoW is based a lot on the actual gear and not on gathered skill points. Even if you dislike raiding a lot, Blizzard still has a special function available though, which will make you good against other much better equipped players. They'll reward you with points and marks, where you will be able to buy your own new great from certain NPCs (computer units). All to make sure you won't get bored and keep on playing.
Addicts often state quitting WoW isn't as hard as it seems, and that they can quite whenever they want. That's exactly where the problem is located though. The problem of addictions in general is that they simply don't -want- to quite or stop. Gaming addictions are a pretty new phenomenon and aren't often easily recognized, which makes it even harder to break the actual addiction.
About the Author
Are you a WoW Addict? Check out my WoW Guide site for the best WoW tips, guides, videos and reviews! Stop wasting your valuable time and learn how to level, gold farm and grind at an insanely fast speed.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
By: Jack Lee
There are numerous ways of getting tons of Wow gold online easily and very cheap too. Here are some guidelines to help you get the most out of it:
First of all, the best way to get Wow gold online is to play the game and earn wow gold through your skills. Secondly, you can make a lot of gold by participating in online auctions and trade with whatever you have. For this you require a bit of patience but if you persist, you will be the gainer. There are other similar procedures also that help you gain a lot of gold.
Online options to purchase World of Warcraft gold
One of them is to purchase World of Warcraft gold online from a seller outside the game. You will find dozens of wow gold sellers in Google. You need not worry about your world of warcraft game account; it will not be banned for buying wow gold normally. Moreover, you will be able to spot the wow gold seller easily unless he is using some special method.
When you join the World of Warcraft gold game, you are at the lowest rung of the ladder. After you seek gold continuously, you begin to rise up the levels. And, then you gradually realize that earning gold is as easy as spending it. Of course, you will be required to spend gold first to earn it afterwards.
It's quite easy to get a ton of gold at the auction house if you learn the art of buying low and selling high. With a little practice, you can make about 400 gold an hour. You can make a great fortune by getting the two professions of mining and skinning.
World of Warcraft gold enthusiasts claim that you can literally farm gold because you reap a lot by sowing a little. Of course, your success depends on how much money you have. It is more true here than anywhere else that you reap what you sow. Therefore, it is advisable to use the gold for training and learning new skills to earn more.
There are numerous objects in World of warcraft that you will require as you face adversaries in the various sections of the game. You will be required to make, mine, farm, buy and sell gold at all levels.
Basically, you need to be in control and one step ahead of your adversaries to survive and succeed. Also, the dominion, in which your character is, becomes the deciding factor to get a price online for buying cheap World of Warcraft gold.
To cut a long story short, the best source for buying WoW gold is www.wowgold4you.com because they are well stocked and reliable. The other crucial items they stock can help you enhance your character. Everyone knows that making money is not a very safe thing to do either in the real world or the virtual world. Yet, the best option for safety and security is the www.wowgold4you.com which you can trust confidently.
Article Source: ABC Article Directory
Jack Lee is an experienced seller of WoW Gold. Click here if you want to buy WoW gold.
By: Kelvin Ho
Now that you have purchased you new PSP you will want to use it to its full capabilities. Watching movies on your portable play station is not difficult; but there are a few hardware considerations that must be in place before you can actually watch your favorite flick on the fly.
The first requirement is a device that will contain your MP4 (movie) files called a Pro Duo Stick. 512 MB is the norm and quite sufficient for this purpose.
Of course, you will want to have a DVD player installed on your system along with a DVD ripper as this will allow you to download the movie from a particular DVD onto your computer.
And, you will need to have a USB cable so you can connect the PSP to your computer.
The last, and some would say, the most important part is a conversion software program that will allow conversion of movie and video files to MP4 format so you can watch them on your PSP. However, technology has advanced to the stage that some DVD software includes the converter files as part of their bundled software package.
Once you have all the necessary components and software applications on hand, preparing your PSP to play movies can be accomplished with a few simple steps.
1. If you do not have the movie you want already installed on your computer, place the selected movie in your DVD player and activate your DVD maker. Click on extract (or rip, depending on your manufacturers specs). Provide location of where you would like to have the file saved. And save it.
2. If you are trying to load a movie already on the hard drive of your computer to your PSP, you only have to click on add on your DVD ripper, then designate where you would like the file to be saved to.
3. Once the file is saved to your hard drive, click on extract and/or encode located in the PSP video converter and then save that file. (If your DVD ripper/PSP video converter software contains the combined application as stated above, steps a,b and c can be combined.)
The Files are on my Computer, Now what do I do?
The correct format (MP4) for PSP movie viewing should now be listed on your computer. So now you have to complete the last steps.
4. All you have to do is connect your PSP to your computer via the USB cable, create a new folder on the Memory Stick (name it MP_Root), then make a sub-folder (100MNV01) inside the Root folder. This is where you will copy your selected MP4 files.
5. Launch the memory stick on your PSP and enjoy your flick.
Enjoy your movie!
Article Source: ABC Article Directory
Download Your Free PlayStation Report at myplaystation.info. Don't have a good cd ripper or psp video converter? You can learn more about both atmyplaystation.info/pspblender.html
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars

Although it's been over seven years since the last release of a Command & Conquer real-time strategy game set in the Tiberium universe, the announcement of Command & Conquer: Tiberium Wars was of great interest to PC gamers, who have been waiting that long to find out precisely what's been happening to Kane and GDI in the years since the last Tiberium War. Now that it's finally arrived, we're all about to find out...
Like the previous games in the series, Tiberium Wars takes place on an earth that's been seeded with a substance known as Tiberium, which fell to earth in a meteor collision in the 1990's. Tiberium is a radioactive, toxic substance that leeches the mineral contents of the earth below it to seep to the surface. Thus, although it kills unprotected humans, it can be harvested by robotics and converted into energy or building supplies. However, the fact that it inexorably spreads across any land surface that it encounters means that its presence on Earth is something of a plague; it has been slowly spreading across the Earth since it first arrived, and by the time of Tiberium Wars, 2047, it has rendered 20% of the Earth's surface completely uninhabitable, with another 50% being dangerously infested by Tiberium.
Into this volatile situation is inserted a growing conflict between the forces of the Global Defense Initiative, who wants to somehow stop the spread of Tiberium in an effort to make Earth inhabitable again, and the Brotherhood of Nod, which believes that the arrival of Tiberium is a message from the gods and the form in which mankind's ultimate "ascension" will be accomplished. While these forces appear to have existing in an uncomfortable stasis for the past decade or so, the reappearance of Kane, the oft-dead leader of Nod, has thrown the balance out of sync, and now Nod is intent on reasserting their claim on Tiberium and Earth.
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